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John Suddrey


I have been a Christian since 1984. For many years though I was living in the wilderness, knowing God but not fulfilling His purpose for my life.  Then in 2014  He healed me of a broken heart.  He healed and delivered me from depression which had taken me into a kind of breakdown. I was prescribed medication, which I was urged to take, but I challenged my God and said to Him that this wasn't right.  He delivered me from addictions.

He healed me of many torments including tremendous feelings of guilt. He had already forgiven me of wrong choices and no judgement!!! He took away my feelings of loneliness and isolation and gave me a new fellowship and great friends.  He restored my Trust in Him as well as in myself.  He ministered to me daily in amazing personal ways.  He introduced me to some loving prophets in my home town who ministered to me, then eventually I to them.

Then at the School of Prophets at Vacaville I met many amazing prophets, and made wonderful friends.  The time at Bethel Church was really special, and the joy of ongoing ministry through Sozo and RFT, was powerfull and had an amazing inpact on me.


I met regularly with my band of brothers from Bournemouth, seeking God through his prophetic voice in our lives and impacting on our work life. Great guys I love each one of them - a band of encouragers bless you all.


A restoration of ministry gifts, in particular prophetic and prayer warfare! He has increased my Love for Him, for the Church and for people generally, with a desire to see people coming to know Jesus. He restored my strong desire to see unity in the body of Christ.

I have passion and purpose in Him, with a desire to encourage others to fulfil their purpose in God, and hey I am surrounded by an amazing family of brothers and sisters globally. Bless you all. I pray for you all that this coming year will be the year of Jubilee, and increase for you all, and that includes my own earthly family. That the Church will come alive like never before.


Thank you Father for your love.


The purpose of the journey is to serve the Lord where ever he wants to take me. I had a vision that He wants to impart the Fire of God into Europe. This is the same fire He has put in me.  I am here in Europe only to serve in whatever capacity that the Lord leads me into. So far I have had several divine appointments where I have been able to share my testimony.  A number of people were impacted by my testimony and gave their lives to Jesus.

So what else you may ask? I spend my days with the Lord in times of prayer seeking where He wants me to go. He has given me a prophetic ministry, so I use various different methods to communicate this.  At the moment each day is enough, but I believe that the Lord wants me to impart His messages of Unity and the healing of brokenness to the Church. So he has to open the doors, not me. I am nothing without Him.


I pray for divine appointments.  I am trying not to get concerned about the next stage of my life which is in Gods hands. I know he is leading me and most times He only lets me know one step at a time. So planning is difficult, but I feel that having moved to Lagos in Portugal, God is preparing the work for me there, in addition to work elsewhere in Europe, along with continued work in the African continent and Pakistan.


The enemy. The west though has a difficulty in understanding what satan and his demons are doing. They are being closed to his activity. I pray. Wake up church in the the west, let your minds and hearts be open to the Spirit of God and his revelation. Earnestly seek unity within the church and any divisions be removed whether inside fellowships or in the wider church.  Remember we are the body of Christ and Jesus is the head.


Please continue to pray for the advancement of the gospel, and that you and I, servants yet Kings in Gods kingdom, may be diligent in taking the living word to all the world making disciples of Jesus. Remember you have an adversary looking for any weakness to negate this work. But in Christ we have all power and authority to overcome. So lets also be overcomers. Amen


I am constantly being asked to preach the Gospel in many countries.  Up to now I have been funding my own trips.

Partners financially and spiritually are needed for this journey.  I continue to travel to Africa, and have breen brought in to influence many churches in towns, cities and villages, which includes crusades, and many pastors and leaders conferences at which I am used by God to equip them for a higher calling.


My journies have been extremely humbling, working with enslaved children and adults, bringing healing and deliverence and salvation to them.  I am so reminded by little boy Benjamin that I met as a 12 year old, homeless boy, in Africa on the borders of 2 countries.  He was suffering with intense demonic activity through witchcraft, and God called me to deliver and heal him.  A little boy, who when I left him there was so full of the love of Jesus, and remarkable in his loving attitude towards others.  I thank God for His amazing grace, and how He has used a person like me (whom I would not have chosen) to reach thousands of people to work and transform their lives, the church lives, and now the whole nation's lives.


The fields are ripe for harvest whether in Africa, Europe, Middle East, India and Pakistan.


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